Voelcker Bio Bootcamp for Teachers - Summer 2025 |
The Voelcker Bio Bootcamp for Teachers
The enrichment program is scheduled to run July 8, 9 and 10, 2025. Five teachers will be invited to the Voelcker Bio Bootcamp for Teachers where they will participate in selected didactic sessions with Voelcker Biomedical Research Academy (VBRA) scholars, become familiar with biomedical career pathways, participate in a Gross Anatomy Dissection Experience as well as attend educator specific workshops, for which they will receive a stipend and continuing professional education credits. The teachers will also be encouraged to collaborate with each other to develop science career curricular activities to measure student awareness and interest in science career applications. Teachers selected to serve as VBRA Bio Bootcamp educational leaders/ambassadors will pilot science career curricula in their classrooms. The VBRA Bio Bootcamp will extend the reach and impact of VBRA beyond the scholar cohort by following the “Train the Trainer” model, increasing the number of students in the San Antonio Area who will have access to resources and materials covered in the Bio Boot Camp at UTHSA.
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9am-4pm with lunch provided
Teachers will receive $1000 for participating, UTHSA Success Packs to include Bio Bootcamp polo and bag, earn 24 Continuing Professional Education Credits and have preferred registration for UTHSA outreach events throughout the year.