2018 WIT Program at the 88th Annual Meeting of the ATA

The Women In Thyroidology Task Force 2018 Program will be a panel discussion titled, Transitions – Making Critical Work and Life Decisions, that will take place Thursday, October 4, during the 88th Annual Meeting of the ATA. 
The WIT Task Force would like to encourage you to submit topics or questions for the panel to address during this interactive session.  
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at the WIT Meeting.
WIT Task Force Members
Whitney Goldner, MD, President
Sissy Jhiang, PhD, President-Elect
Honey Reddi, PhD, Past President
Sophia Ali, MD
Brittany Avin, BS
Aime Franco, PhD
Sabrina Gill, MD
Masha Livhits, MD
Spyridoula Maraka, MD, MSc
Neha A. Patel, MD
Jennifer Perkins, MD, MBA

Question Title

* 1. Please select all of the critical work and life transitions you have experienced listed below. (Responses will be kept confidential but will be aggregated and summarized)

Question Title

* 2. Are there any specific transitions (personal or professional) you would be interested in having the group discuss during this interactive session? Please list below.

Question Title

* 3. Will you be attending the WIT Program and Business Meeting at the 88th Annual Meeting of the ATA?

Question Title

* 4. Please let us know if you have any additional comments regarding the WIT program. You can also email the WIT Staff Liaison, Carrie Prewitt at atamembership@thyroid.org.

Question Title

* 5. Contact Information: (Optional)

Please submit your responses by Friday, September 28th

If you have more questions or topics to suggest after September 24, there will be a chance for you to submit them at the WIT events during the 88th Annual Meeting of the ATA in Washington, DC.

Thank you for your participation.