Club survey about the involvement of older people in sport
The following survey is a part of the Victorian Active Ageing Partnership (VAAP), which is a four-year initiative funded by the Victorian State Government. The purpose of the VAAP is to increase opportunities for participation in physical activity (including sport and active recreation) for older Victorians (i.e. people aged approx 55+ years). The VAAP also has a specific focus on older people who may be socio-economically disadvantaged and isolated, as well as those not currently involved in physical activity.

Musculoskeletal Australia, is leading the VAAP on behalf of the Victorian Government and in collaboration with Monash University (our academic partner), Fitness Australia and Vicsport (our industry partners).

As one of our initiatives in Year Four of the VAAP, we are wanting to gain a better understanding of the Victorian sports industry’s engagement of older people and gain an understanding of the factors influencing this engagement (or non-engagement).

If you are a club coordinator, administrator or committee member, we would be very grateful if you could spend 5 minutes completing this short survey.

To complete the survey, press the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of the page, and proceed to answer the questions. Once you have completed all of the questions, press the ‘Done’ button at the bottom of the page to submit your responses.