During fall quarter 2023, EVC/Provost Darnell Hunt will initiate a search for the next Dean of the Division of Social Sciences at UCLA.  In preparation, we welcome your input regarding critical priorities for the next dean, ideal candidate profiles, and prospective candidates. Responses are confidential; the results of this survey will only be shared with search staff and search committee members. Note that you are not required to provide your name or any identifying information to complete the survey.

If you would like to share any additional comments and/or to recommend candidates for this position, please email our confidential search address SocialSciencesDeanSearch@conet.ucla.edu or contact Traci Considine, manager of executive recruitment, at tconsidine@conet.ucla.edu. (Though not required, feel free to include contact information and brief commentary on nominations.)

To inform and guide this important search effort, we invite your input on any or all of the following:

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* 1. What are the critical priorities (issues, challenges, and opportunities) facing the next dean?  What would you like to see the dean/the division accomplish in the next five to 10 years?

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* 2. What do you think are the essential qualities and qualifications of an ideal candidate? (What kinds of experience, and what leadership qualities do you feel helpful or essential?)

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* 3. What makes UCLA Social Sciences and/or UCLA distinctive and exciting? How might we present the role, the division and/or UCLA to candidates?

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* 4. Additional Comments: What else do you think is important for the committee and search staff to know?

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