Twin Oaks and Our PTSC Needs you!

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important to us.  As a group, we have been reflecting on our history, talking to our friends and Twin Oaks families, and we are hearing you.  We feel we need to make some changes and want your help in redefining how we support Twin Oaks as a school, our teachers, and ultimately our children in helping to create the best experience for them.
We know these things:
1.   We have many events that have a cost associated to them.
2.   Our PTSC events combined with other site based events and classroom activities creates a reality where parents are digging into pocketbooks too often.
3.   We need to improve communication around what our school needs and where our fundraising dollars go.
Things to Consider:
1.   Book Fairs are not PTSC events but support the purchase of new books for our library.
2.   See's Candy events support 5th Grade Science Camp.  Proceeds are kept in account for the students who participate in the event to offset the cost of the trip in their 5th grade year.
3.  Square One Art orders support the VAPA program.
4.  Art Docent art show at Open House is how we fund the Art Docent program at Twin Oaks. It is a voluntary program funded through donations.
5.  Candy Gram Sales support Student Leadership Council projects.

6.  Field trips are discretionary, decided by the classroom teachers/grade level. The associated costs (entrance fees, transportation fees, etc.) of field trips vary greatly. Expecting PTSC to pay transportation fees from fundraising dollars creates inequity, because of the difference in costs between trips. It is best that transportation be contained within the cost of each field trip by class.
We have had some very fun fundraising events in the past that are very labor intensive so require an extraordinary number of volunteers compared to the return on our efforts.  We are looking for feedback, input, and ideas on events that our school community will enjoy supporting, raising the dollars our school needs, while reducing the amount of volunteers needed to make it happen.  
Where our Money Goes:

Click this link blow for budget and expense information!

PTSC 2015-2016 Budget and Expenses