1. Welcome to the 2021 Black Enterprise BE 100s Survey

The BE 100s are back!

As you know, COVID-19 devastated Black businesses over the past 16 months like no other entrepreneurial group in the nation. Many of our companies had to shut their doors, operate in a weakened state, and develop new business models to survive. As such, we placed our research on hiatus and restructured our approach to gathering information for the list.

BLACK ENTERPRISE’s editorial and research teams are reaching out to you to gain information on your companies via our exclusive survey to reignite our barometer of Black business. In the fourth quarter of this year, we’ll unveil a reconfigured BE 100s and introduce the revised rankings of our annual report on the nation’s largest Black-owned businesses across an array of industries that will reflect the reshaped industrial landscape and the new dynamics of global commerce.

As the world emerges from the trials and challenges of COVID-19, we ask you to share your triumphs and wins in addition to the knockdowns and losses you endured over these past months. We also present questions on your outlook on Black business, your industry, and your company over the past two years. Your answers will provide further insight into the state of Black business and assess some of your current business needs.

Please keep in mind the following:

-The due date for the survey is Friday, September 10, 2021.
-The survey must be printed and signed by the chief executive or another authorized company officer.
-Return the completed, signed survey to beresearch@blackenterprise.com or fax to 212.886.9610.
-The electronic survey is not complete until you have clicked the submit button.

I appreciate your cooperation with this critical project. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Seimond London, our Chief Copy & Research Chief, at (212) 886-9580 or beresearch@blackenterprise.com.

Warm regards,

Derek T. Dingle

Executive Vice President & Chief Content Officer