Angelic Organics Farm is seeking partnerships with workplaces and places of worship as part of our Workplace and Worship Wellness Farm Share Program.

This Workplace or Worship Wellness Site will be located on your premises, will be closed to the general public, and will host weekly deliveries of fresh, organic vegetables from Angelic Organics Farm plus fruit from FruitShare from late June until late Fall.
If you are interested in providing a monitored farm share delivery site for your members, please fill out this application.

If your place of worship would like to host a Wellness site, but you want the general public to have access to your site, please go to Would You Like to Host an Angelic Organics Wellness Delivery Site for Your Greater Community?

Before filling out this application, make sure you have read Angelic Organics Customized Farm Share Program for Workplace and Worship Wellness and Would You like to Host an Angelic Organics Workplace or Worship Wellness Delivery Site?

The person filling out this application should plan to serve as the site host. In order to ascertain what it means to be a site host, please refer to the "Hosting and Monitoring the Site" section in Would You Like to Host an Angelic Organics Workplace or Worship Wellness Delivery Site?

Please note that Q18 and Q27 ask for photos of your proposed site.

Submitting this application does not obligate you to host a site.

If your application is approved and the minimum of 25 farm share members is met for your site, then you, the site host, will receive a complimentary weekly vegetable share for the duration of the 2020 season and following seasons--as much as an $800 value per season--for as long as the site is being hosted, the minimum number of farm share members is met and the standards for hosting the site are satisfactorily upheld according to Angelic Organics. (Site hosts of existing unmonitored sites do not receive a complimentary share. We are gradually phasing out many of our unmonitored sites.)

Thank you for considering a Wellness partnership with Angelic Organics Farm.

Question Title

* 1. Date


Question Title

* 2. Your Contact Information:

Question Title

* 3. Is your proposed site a Workplace Wellness or Worship Wellness site?

Question Title

* 4. Organization Information

Question Title

* 5. How many employees or members are in your organization at your proposed site location?

Question Title

* 6. I understand that in order for my organization to become a site, there must be at least 25 farm share members who pick up at my site. (50 or more farm share members is ideal.)

Angelic Organics will schedule a regular single delivery day for your site between Tuesday and Friday and a projected time for when deliveries will arrive at your site on that day. (A Worship Wellness site might be able to receive deliveries on a Saturday.)

Some variability in weekly delivery times may occur due to traffic or other developments along the delivery route; therefore some flexibility regarding the delivery schedule is necessary.

Question Title

* 7. My site is available for 24 weekly deliveries from early July until late Fall, the full length of the delivery season.

Question Title

* 8. I understand that Angelic Organics will work with me to find a delivery day and time that aligns with my organization's hours and the farm's delivery route sequence.

We provide detailed delivery instructions to our driver. The next few questions are in regard to delivering to your site. For your reference, see "Directions to Your Site," "Where to Stack the Vegetable Boxes", "Where to Stack the Fruit Boxes" and the site photo in this example of delivery instructions for our Barrington site, Pure Organic Juicery. (Please note that a few instructions, including the section titled "Notify Angelic Organics When the Delivery Has Been Made" are for our driver, not the site host.)

Question Title

* 9. Please provide detailed delivery instructions for how our driver will locate your site. Is there a special clearly marked service entrance to the unloading location or dock? Does GPS sometimes have trouble locating your address? Please be especially clear on where to unload if unloading is from an alley, and also how to access the alley.

Question Title

* 10. Within how many feet of the site will the delivery vehicle be able to unload?

Question Title

* 11. Are there any stairs between the delivery vehicle parking area and the box storage location?

Question Title

* 12. Can your company or place of worship unload a pallet of boxes?

Question Title

* 13. Where specifically will the driver unload the boxes? Ideally, the dock manager or site host (provided by your organization) will always take charge of the boxes once they are unloaded at your site. If our driver should place the boxes directly in the distribution room, please provide detailed instructions on how our driver will access that room.

Question Title

* 14. Does our driver need a key or a code to make the delivery? If so, enter "key" or the code in the comment box.

Question Title

* 15. The area where the boxes will be stored is:

We deliver both vegetable and fruit boxes. The vegetable boxes are usually stacked in their own columns that are separate from the columns of fruit boxes. (The fruit boxes take up about a third to half as much space as the vegetable boxes.) It's a good idea for the site host to put signage both where the vegetable boxes will be stacked and where the fruit boxes will be stacked. These instructions are extra important for our driver's first delivery to your site, especially if there is no one at the site to orient the driver when the delivery is made.

Question Title

* 16. If our driver needs to place the boxes in the distribution room, where specifically will the driver stack the vegetable boxes within the distribution room? Example answers might be “along the wall to the right, close to the entrance,” “along the north wall of the office, starting at the window” or "in the walk-in cooler."

Question Title

* 17. If our driver needs to place the boxes in the distribution room, where specifically will the driver stack the fruit boxes? Example answer might be "to the left of the vegetable boxes."

Question Title

* 18. Please upload photos that will facilitate us leaving the boxes where they should be left, for example: photo of unloading area, of street or alley entrance that should be used to access the unloading area, where to park the delivery truck, room where boxes should be stacked, or any other helpful indicators.

Only one attachment is allowed per field, so you may combine multiple photos into a single file (DOC or PDF, for example) or you may use Q19 and Q20 to upload additional photos.

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 19. Additional file upload:

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 20. Additional file upload:

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 21. I understand that my site needs to accommodate at least 75 boxes, usually stacked in columns of 5. The boxes will be stacked only one row deep, so that the labels that identify the recipients of the customized boxes will be visible with one glance. (If your site is very compelling, we can reduce the quota of 75 boxes.)

Question Title

* 22. Keeping in mind the specified box arrangements above, how many 16"L x 10"W x 12"H boxes can the site accommodate?

Angelic Organics provides a bin to collect returned, flattened vegetable boxes from the previous week's delivery. (The vegetable boxes are re-used by the farm, but the fruit boxes are not.) The farm also provides a container of paper grocery bags, used by members who share a box, to divide their box, if needed.

Question Title

* 23. There is space for the provided box collection bin and container of paper bags.

Question Title

* 24. Where will our driver pick up the empty, flattened vegetable boxes for return to the farm?

We provide detailed pickup instructions to the farm share members. The next few questions are in regard to picking up at your site. For your reference, see "Directions to Your Site," "Where to Find Your Box" and the site photo in this example of pickup instructions for our Barrington Site, Pure Organic Juicery.

Question Title

* 25. Please describe where farm share members will find the area where the boxes will be stored at your site.

Question Title

* 26. Do you have any special instructions or requests that you would like us to add to the pickup instructions for your site?

Question Title

* 27. Please upload photos of your proposed site, including the entrance to the distribution room. These photos will be included in the pickup instructions for your site. They will probably somewhat overlap with the photos you provided for the delivery instructions.

Only one file attachment is allowed per field, so you may combine multiple photos into a single file (DOC or PDF, for example), or you may use Q28 and Q29 to upload additional photos.

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 28. Additional file upload:

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 29. Additional file upload:

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 30. My site is safe for both the delivery person and the farm share members. For instance, there is no dog that will frighten the delivery person or the farm share members. There are no loose steps or loose floorboards to navigate.

We refer to the main person in charge of the Workplace or Worship Wellness site as the site host. This would be the Wellness Coordinator or equivalent of the company, or in the case of a place of worship, the person in authority or their assistant.

Question Title

* 31. I, the site host, will serve as the liaison between my Workplace or Worship Wellness site and Angelic Organics. For instance, I will let the farm know of any events such as construction, parades, or block parties that might affect deliveries and/or pickups at my site.

Question Title

* 32. Once my application is approved, I will encourage my employees or congregation to become Angelic Organics farm share members, mindful of the quota of at least 25 farm share members to open a site.

Question Title

* 33. I understand that once my application is approved and the minimum of 25 farm share members is met for my site, I will be given a complimentary weekly vegetable share from Angelic Organics for the duration of the season (up to an $800 value) in appreciation of my site hosting efforts. This complimentary share also applies to future seasons if I continue to host the site according to the standards set by Angelic Organics.

Question Title

* 34. If I am not able to monitor the site, I will manage the appointed site monitor to make sure that they are adhering to the site monitoring protocols below.

Workplace and Worship Wellness sites must be monitored throughout the pickup timeframe. If the site host is not able to also be the site monitor, he or she will assign monitoring duties to another, and ensure that this monitor follows the protocols.

Question Title

* 35. The site monitor will be

The farm share members who pick up at your site will receive a link to the pickup instructions specific to your site. These pickup instructions need to include a phone number and an email address for members to contact the site as needed.

Question Title

* 36. Please enter the contact information that you want farm share members to have who pick up at your site.

Question Title

* 37. The site will be monitored during the designated pickup timeframe and the monitor will personally hand out the boxes to the respective farm share members (each box will be labelled with the name of the farm share member) and will check their names off the checklist.

Question Title

* 38. Farm share members and others will not have unattended access to the room where the boxes are stored. I understand that Angelic Organics is not responsible for boxes that are delivered to the site that go missing.

Question Title

* 39. The site monitor will inspect the farm share members' flattened, returned vegetable boxes to make sure that the closing tabs of the boxes are not ripped. If the boxes are returned damaged, the site monitor will gently coach farm share members on how to properly flatten the boxes.

Question Title

* 40. The site monitor is willing to work out a mutually convenient alternative with farm share members to pick up their box when they occasionally can't pick up during posted pickup hours. If you answer yes, please indicate in the comment box below how you want these arrangements to be made: for example "Any arrangements for holding boxes after the delivery day are just fine with us, as long as they're made on or before the delivery day."

Question Title

* 41. After the pickup time is over, the site monitor will make an effort to contact the owners of any unclaimed boxes (the label on each box will have the phone number of the farm share member). If this effort fails, the site monitor may donate/distribute the unclaimed boxes as he or she desires.

Question Title

* 42. If farm share members make arrangements with the site monitor for late pickup, we will keep these boxes in a cool or refrigerated place after the pickup hours.

Question Title

* 43. If the site monitor will be absent from my site for any reason, they will make arrangements for someone else to monitor the site in their absence according to the protocols above.

Lunch & Learn
Angelic Organics might be available to offer a Lunch and Learn presentation to members of your organization.

Question Title

* 44. Are you interested in hosting a Lunch and Learn presentation by Angelic Organics at your workplace or place of worship?

Question Title

* 45. Does your company regularly host Lunch and Learn presentations?

Question Title

* 46. What would the likely attendance be at an Angelic Organics Lunch & Learn presentation in the best case scenario? (Enter the number of people.)

Question Title

* 47. What would the likely attendance be at an Angelic Organics Lunch & Learn presentation in the worst case scenario? (Enter the number of people.)

Question Title

* 48. What would you do to promote attendance and raise awareness of the Angelic Organics Lunch & Learn presentation?

Question Title

* 49. How much time would be allotted for our Lunch & Learn presentation?

Question Title

* 50. Ideally, we would connect a laptop to a projector and play some video clips with sound. What AV equipment is available? Are there speakers? Is a microphone needed?

Question Title

* 51. An AV technician will be available one hour before the Lunch & Learn presentation is scheduled, to help set up the equipment.

Almost Done...

Question Title

* 52. Does your organization offer an incentive to your members to participate in a wellness program such as our farm share program?

Question Title

* 53. If my organization becomes an Angelic Organics Workplace or Worship Wellness site, it will likely be for more than a year.

Question Title

* 54. Are you a member of Angelic Organics Farm?

Question Title

* 55. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, your company, or your place of worship?

Question Title

* 57. I am not yet ready to commit to hosting an Angelic Organics Wellness site. Please answer the following questions before I decide whether to host the site.

Question Title

* 58. I would like to be contacted to clear up the questions above that I have about hosting a site. I prefer to be contacted by:

Question Title

* 59. Angelic Organics requires at least 25 (preferably 50 or more) people to sign up for an Angelic Organics farm share in order to open a Workplace or Worship Wellness site. Once my site is confirmed, to assist in meeting this quota, I will:

Question Title

* 60. I am ready to host an Angelic Organics Workplace or Worship Wellness site. Please let me know if my application suits the needs and aspirations of Angelic Organics Farm.

Question Title

* 61. Electronic Signature (please type your name)

You have reached the end of the survey.

Thank you for your consideration of partnering with Angelic Organics Farm.

Remember that our acceptance of your application does not guarantee that your organization will become a Workplace or Worship Wellness site. If we accept your application, your site will officially be accepted once at least 25 farm share members have signed up for an Angelic Organics farm share with pickup at your site.

We will be in touch after we have reviewed your application.