1. Comprehensive Exam Information

This form is for you to enter the information about your comprehensive exam. It will help us to know what your plans are so that we can help you fly over this hurdle.

Remember that your supervisor will Chair your comps. Your committee will have 1 member from your supervisory committee (must be a current Neuroscience Grad Program Faculty member) and 2 other faculty from the Neuroscience program. ***Please await approval prior to beginning your comprehensives.***

Talk to your committee. Talk frequently to your committee members. Talk to them when selecting the topic. Talk to them when you are planning the readings, specific aims, proposed experiments etc. Be sure to take advantage of your committee to learn from them.

It is OK, in fact its encouraged, for you to get feedback from your committee about your grant proposal. Hey this is how we write grant proposals. We write stuff and then give it to a colleague or collaborator for feedback.

The timeframe for the comps is about 6-8 weeks start to finish. **Schedule your final meeting NOW with your comps comittee members to ensure everyone is available to meet in 6 to 8 weeks.**

The format of the comp exam is similar to CIHR postdoctoral grant proposal and an oral defence (15 - 20 minutes presentation followed by questions) .

The goal of the comps is for you to demonstrate your expertise at identifying an important research question in Neuroscience, presenting specific aims to address the question, designing experiments and hypotheses that are creative/innovative approaches that challenge the aims.

Let me know if you have more questions/comments. I'll keep this information updated here.

Question Title

* Name

Question Title

* Student #

Question Title

* Supervisor's Name

Question Title

* Names of your Comp Committee Members

Question Title

* Grant Proposal Title

Question Title

* Write a brief description of your proposal (100 words or less)

Question Title

* Write a brief description of how the comps proposal differs from your thesis work conceptually and methodologically.

Question Title

* Please tell us the following dates:
