About this survey

At Clevedon Town Council, we are committed to improving our services and ensuring that we meet the needs of our community.

Budget Allocation: The 2024/2025 revenue budget amounted to £430,930.00 which is collected via the precept (council tax).
It's crucial to understand if residents believe their financial contributions are justly spent.
‘In 2024-25, the average, Band D household contributed £54.89 per year to the Town Council. It's essential to determine whether residents believe these contributions are providing value for the services received. Which is why we need your help in filling out this survey.
There are two local government councils which serve residents in Clevedon. We are a Town Council and North Somerset are a Unitary District Council.
One simple way of looking at the two councils might be that North Somerset Council services, are ‘need to have’ whereas the Town Council services are ‘want to have’. Town Councils operate at a level below district councils.
If a service isn’t mentioned in this survey, the chances are that it’s one that’s provided by North Somerset Council.

Question Title

* 1. Please select your age group

Question Title

* 2. How long have you lived in Clevedon?