3:40pm - Peri-operative Pain Management: Optimization Over Minimization (C.Clarke)

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  • 5 = extremely satisfied/likely/positive
  • 1 = extremely unsatisfied/unlikely/negative
Be sure to click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the evaluation.  Thank you.
NOTE:  If you provide a low star rating for any of the questions below, please specify why in the comments section to help us improve.

Question Title

* 1. The session met the stated learning objectives.

Question Title

* 2. The session achieved appropriate balance without commercial bias.

Question Title

* 3. This session has relevance to /potential impact on my practice

Question Title

* 4. The clinical scenarios presented were appropriate and relevant

Question Title

* 5. There was sufficient time for interactivity

Question Title

* 6. The speaker seemed competent and used effective teaching methods

Question Title

* 7. The overall effectiveness of the presentation.

Question Title

* 8. Indicate which CanMEDS roles you felt were addressed.

Question Title

* 9. What changes will you make to your practice as a result of this session?

Question Title

* 10. Additional Comments: