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Thank you for entering Leonards "TRUCK MADNESS 2018!" 
Before we can get your Truck assigned to a Bracket we are going to need a couple things from you.
First - We need an AWE INSPIRING picture of your Truck.
You can only submit one so make sure it shows off all your hard work!

Second - We need your Facebook User ID or your email address.
Since all the voting is done on Facebook, we want to make sure that all your Friends and Family can easily vote for your baby.

If you don't want to give your Facebook User ID or don't use Facebook make sure to check Leonards' Facebook page so you know when to vote. 
Tell everyone you know you've entered. Voting Does Matter!
May the Best Truck Win!

Question Title

* 1. Email Address

Question Title

* 2. Enter Facebook User ID Here.

Question Title

* 3. Please upload your photo below!

DOCX, DOC, JPEG, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG file types only.
Choose File
This is a truck showdown to find this year's Truck Madness Battle of the Trucks champion.

Grand Prize: $500 Leonard gift card

People's Choice Award: You can win before the contest even starts! Each valid submission will automatically be entered for a chance at the People's Choice award - a $100 Leonard gift card to any of our Leonard locations. Entrants will be grouped into 4-truck voting blocks as submissions are received. From there, the rules are simple: each group of trucks will be published on Facebook for 24 hours and the public can vote for their favorite. The truck with the most votes at the end of the entry period wins.*The grand prize winner cannot win the peoples choice award also*

All entries get a $25 Off Coupon

Registration is open now and closes March 18th. Enter today for your chance to win!