
Thank you for participating in Greenhouse Grower's State of the Industry survey for 2021.

This is your opportunity to influence our coverage and report on issues that affect your business most. We welcome you to make your opinions known about business trends, economics, and your operations. 

This survey should take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Your opinion has never been more important during these uncertain times. Your responses help create a better collective understanding of controlled-environment operations, the businesses that support them, and the overall health of the industry.

Please be sure to include your contact information to be entered into the $100 Visa gift card drawing.

We will publish highlights from your feedback in an upcoming issue and online.*

*Individual information will not be published or shared without your permission.

The data collected in this survey will be used only in the aggregate. Aside from quoting anecdotal answers to open-ended questions, no information about individual operations will be published or shared.