Please take a moment to complete our survey regarding your project scheduling process and needs.

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* 1. Tell me a little about you

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* 3. How many people are employed within your organization?

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* 4. What type of organization do you have?

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* 5. What was the average budget per project in 2015?

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* 6. What tool does your organization use to create project schedules?

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* 7. Is your organization currently evaluating a new project scheduling process or solution?

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* 8. Is a standard template used for developing your project schedules?

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* 9. What is the average number of activities or tasks per project?

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* 10. What are your top three pain points related to your project schedule development/management process?

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* 11. How long does it take your organization to estimate cost and schedule impact?

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* 12. How often are status updates gathered and reported?

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* 13. How do you report variance of your project schedule?

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* 14. Can you easily show relationships and impact between multiple projects?

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* 15. Is your project tool integrated with other software?