1. Giveaway Rules

Hello Canadian Hockey Moms!

Thanks for entering The Hockey IntelliGym Giveaway! You could win The Hockey IntelliGym for one year!

You will be asked to answer a question related to The Hockey Intelligym at www.hockeyintelligym.ca. One person with the correct answer will be randomly selected.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email contactus@canadianhockeymoms.ca

Good luck!

Question Title

* 1. Please provide an email address where Canadian Hockey Moms and/or Goodyear or someone from The Hockey IntelliGym can contact you if your name is selected for the giveaway (don't worry, we don't like SPAM either, so Canadian Hockey Moms won't share this information with other parties. Your information is safe with us...)

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* 2. What is your name?

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* 3. In what province/state are you located?

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* 4. According to information on www.hockeyintelligym.ca, elite players using The Hockey IntelliGym increased their average number of points per game by 30% after how many weeks of training?

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* 5. Would you like to receive information about other contests being offered through the Canadian Hockey Moms website?