Survey Questions

Question Title

First Name

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Maiden Name

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Last Name

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Class Year (if applicable)

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Affiliation (Check all that apply)

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Email Address

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1. Please rate your overall level of satisfaction with your experience with Badin High School in these areas:

  Excellent Very Good Above Average Average Below Average
Personal growth and development
Faith formation
Quality of the academic program at BHS

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2. If you answered below average, please explain.

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3. Please select three from the following list that you perceive to be the most important elements of a Badin High School education.

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4. In your opinion, what is the reputation of Badin High School in the community?

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5. If you answered ‘not good’, what are the contributing factors and what should change?

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6. How do you grade Badin High School’s assertiveness and effectiveness in competing for (A-F, with A being the best):

  A B C D E
Philanthropic financial support
Strong individuals for key leadership positions

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7. How well informed do you feel about current issues at Badin High School and Badin High School’s plans for the future?

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8. Do you know the purpose of the Badin High School annual fund?

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9. Is contributing to Badin High School’s annual fund a priority in your charitable giving?

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10. If you DO NOT contribute to the Badin High School annual fund, please identify the reason:

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11. What is your preferred method of receiving information about Badin High School?

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12. If you prefer email communication, please provide your preferred email address below:

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13. Describe your level of involvement with Badin High School:

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14. As a Badin High School alumnus, what do you expect of the Alumni Department (indicate all that apply).

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15. In what areas are you involved or would you be interested in becoming involved at Badin High School? (please indicate below)

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16. If there were funds available to invest in Badin High School, what would be your areas of priority focus?

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17. As plans materialize, which statement best describes your willingness to consider a gift or pledge to fund your top priorities?

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18. Please provide any additional feedback you believe is helpful as we consider the future of Badin High School: