Take a pledge to get involved!

TDM Week is an opportunity to create awareness among decision-makers and key TDM stakeholders about the importance of including a range of safe and reliable modes of transportation for all users in the transportation planning process. This week is a time to share the importance of enacting programs that reduce the carbon footprint of transportation in our communities. To get involved, take a TDM Week pledge and commit to spreading awareness of the many positive benefits TDM has on the sustainability of our communities and the improvements to the quality of life of all people.

This year, TDM Week is celebrated from September 16-20. ACT requests that participants complete this survey before TDM Week as well as the post-TDM Week survey to confirm their actions.

The theme of this year’s TDM Week is Carbon Reduction, and we encourage you to think about how this topic best fits within your community as you prepare. Plans should aim to promote TDM solutions as a carbon reduction strategy and inform decision-makers and key stakeholders, the target audience, of its many benefits.

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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What is your email address?

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* 3. I'm submitting this pledge on behalf of (ex. Organization, self, an ACT Chapter)

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* 4. I am a

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* 5. TDM Week pledge:

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* 6. I pledge to also fill out the post-TDM Week survey to report my actions.

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* 7. I give ACT permission to share details about my pledge.

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* 8. Please provide information about your intended TDM Week pledge.