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What Do You Think?

This is an anonymous and confidential survey. All responses will be aggregated to allow us to make more informed decisions in the future. We collect no non-public personal information. Thanks for sharing your opinions!

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* 1. Your Residency Location

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* 2. Your Age

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* 3. Does your household currently use a recycling service with a curbside cart?

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* 4. For you personally, what is the most challenging aspect of participating in your municipality's recycling program?

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* 5. Did your household use the Hazardous Waste Disposal drive-through drop-off service on Tuesday, May 24th?

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* 6. On the scale below, please indicate your degree of satisfaction with the services offered at the Household Waste Disposal event on May 1st. (Choose "N/A" if a choice is not applicable).

  Completely Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Completely Dissatisfied N/A
Check-in procedures at the event
Value for the money of fees for special items 
Speed of the service after check-in
Helpfulness of the volunteers
Ease of registration process
Friendliness of the volunteers
Amount and clarity of information provided ahead of time

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* 7. What worked well?

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* 8. What needs improvement?

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* 9. Using the sliding scale below, please indicate how willing you would be to recommend this service to your friends and family. (100 = "Completely Willing").

0 = Very Unwilling 100 = Completely Willing
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 10. What is your level of interest in one local annual Hazardous Waste Disposal Drop-Off similar to the one on May 24th?

  Extremely Interested Somewhat Interested Neutral Somewhat Uninterested Not Interested
Benefit of One Annual Hazardous Waste Drop-Off

Question Title

* 11. On the sliding scale below, and based on your household's needs, please indicate the monthly fee you think is fair for one Hazardous Waste Disposal Drop-Off each year.

$0 $5.00 $10.00
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.
0 of 14 answered