The Michigan Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) is requesting that local agencies complete the attached survey regarding the Culvert Mapping Pilot Project, which is included in the State of Michigan 2018 budget. The budget includes $2 million for the inspection and inventory of culverts on the local road system. It is important that the data collection be completed in FY2018 (ending September 30, 2018).

Your participation in the survey will assist the TAMC (through the Bridge Committee) with the completion of the project work plan, the selection of agencies that will participate in the pilot, the identification of appropriate culvert data to collect, and lastly, the selection of an appropriate culvert rating system approach for the future.  Once the TAMC understands these items, it can develop a culvert inventory, best practices, and a budget associated with data collection that can then be used to develop a future state-wide program.

We sincerely appreciate all your efforts in asset management and thank you in advance for your survey participation.


Joanna I. Johnson, TAMC Chair

Note: For this survey the term “culvert” is used to describe any open ended structure with a span less than 20 feet crossing a publicly owned roadway that is not already included within your MiBridge inventory.  This also excludes driveway culverts and enclosed storm sewers.

Question Title

*  Which of the following best describes your current culvert inventory and condition evaluation program: