Essay Prompt, Requirements, Eligibility and Awards

Question Title


Cornelius Vander Broek First Place Prize: $3,500

Second Place Award: $3,000
Third Place Award: $2,500
Fourth Place Award: $2,000
Fifth Place Award: $1,500
Sixth Place Award: $1,000
Seventh Place Award: $750
Eighth Place Award: $500
Ninth Place Award: $400
Tenth Place Award: $300
Optional Honorable Mention(s): $200

All eligible entrants are offered a full 1 year complimentary student membership to FFRF, which includes a digital version of 10 issues of Freethought Today (FFRF's newspaper, which publishes winning student essays), and a complimentary book or premium.

THIS YEAR'S TOPIC: State/church issues endangered by the Trump administration's capitulation to Christian Nationalism.

Focus on one issue related to state/church separation or secular social policy that you consider to be under threat by Christian nationalist policies in the Trump administration. Issues might include: federal vouchers for religious education at the expense of public schools; contraception and abortion rights; LGBTQ rights; vaccinations and public health; climate change mitigation, etc. FOCUS ON ONE ISSUE. Research and explain what's at stake, show how Christian nationalism is behind this attack and include some ideas about how to combat the threat.

WORD COUNT: 550-750 words