NAfME Webinar Proposal Submission Form |
NAfME Professional Learning and Partnerships Committee - Webinar Proposal Submission Process
Thank you for your interest in submitting a webinar proposal. Each proposal as well as the submitter's short video and presentation slides will be reviewed by NAfME's Professional Learning and Partnerships Committee (PLPC).
- Make sure to complete all questions
- Provide an engaging overview description with learning objectives (copy edited as if the program were appearing on NAfME's website)
- Include a link to 1-2 minute video providing a brief recap of the proposed webinar (key areas covered and why the topic is important)
- Contact NAfME staff member John Donaldson by email at johnd@nafme.org after you have submitted this form: include your full name and email, the date of your submission, the title of your proposed webinar, AND ATTACH AN ADVANCED DRAFT OF YOUR PRESENTATION SLIDES in a PDF or through a link to the slides.
Your proposal will be reviewed based on the following criteria:
- The webinar fits priority areas identified by the PLPC (and/or related strategic priorities of NAfME)
- The webinar is well defined, and provides clear learning objectives for the topic presented.
- The webinar topic will be presented by a NAfME member and is based on proven and applied instructional practices or supported by music education research.
- The webinar content is of high quality, current, and relevant; it would be of strong interest to a national audience of NAfME members/music educators.
- The webinar delivery is engaging and well organized.
- The webinar uses diverse repertoire as appropriate for the topic.
- The webinar utilizes appropriate language (ex. avoids gendered or deficit language, considers audience, uses inclusive language).