Welcome to the Parish Council's consultation on the future use and refurbishment of Snoxhall Pavilion in Cranleigh.

Snoxhall Pavilion is located in Snoxhall Fields recreation ground. The Parish Council holds Snoxhall Fields on charitable trust for the purposes of a recreation ground for the benefit of the inhabitants of the parish of Cranleigh.

The pavilion was built in 1970 and was extended some years later to add additional changing rooms. However the building is dated and not able to meet the needs of a modern inclusive community.

The Parish Council would like to find out what future use could be made of the pavilion to inform plans to refurbish the building. Results of this consultation will be reviewed by the Parish Council and used to guide its architect in developing plans for the pavilion refurbishment in readiness for seeking planning approval and looking for grant funding.

Please complete this survey by Friday 28 February 2024.