Monday January 13— 3:45pm-5:00pm

Note: Only completed surveys will be entered into the drawing for $500 in BPAA Bowling University credit.

Question Title

Chad Murphy—Executive Director, United States Bowling Congress

Chad Murphy—Executive Director, United States Bowling Congress

Question Title

* 1. Please help us continue to improve the quality of BPAA educational presentations by providing your feedback on this session. First, please indicate below how you would rate this session on each of the following:

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Enhancing the profitability of my business
Accuracy of the session description
Speaker's knowledge of the subject
Usefulness of the information for my business

Question Title

* 2. What is one key point you took from this session?

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* 3. What, if anything, would have made this presentation more useful for your business?

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* 4. Would you recommend this session to others?

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* 5. Would you attend another seminar held by this speaker?

Question Title

* 6. Did you attend today primarily as an employee or owner of a: (Please choose only ONE)

Question Title

* 7. What suggestions, if any, do you have for future topics, or to improve the Bowl Expo educational seminars?

Question Title

* 8. (Optional) Please provide your personal information for entrance into the drawing for $500 BPAA Bowling University Educational Credit.