Thank you for your interest in our upcoming research study about beverages taking place on Thursday, February 16th at either 3:30-5pm, 5:30-7pm, or 7:30-9pm.

The focus group will last 90 minutes and will take place at a convenient location in downtown SF near Union Square.

Participants will receive $110 (evening groups) or $125 (3:30 group) directly after the focus group as a thank you for their time and opinions.

If you are interested and over the age of 18, please answer the pre-screening questions below.  If you look like a good fit based on your preliminary answers, I will contact you to confirm the time, location, and other details.

The information you provide will be held strictly confidential and will only be used of the purposes of finding research participants for the study.

I am working all weekend so if you qualify I will reach out to you by Monday.  

Have a great weekend. Enjoy the sunshine!  


Question Title

1. Please indicate which dates and times might work for you. (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

  3:30pm (pays $125) 5:30pm (pays $110) 7:30pm (pays $110)
Thursday, February 16th
Friday, February 17th

Question Title

2. Please fill in the following contact information....

Question Title

3. How many people currently live in your household?

Question Title

4. Are you the primary grocery shopper in your household?

11% of survey complete.