Exit The Simple 6 Question Title * 1. This survey helps us tailor the training, hitting your needs specifically... Let's start with your name & email. [Important! Make sure, you hit "Done, Hit Me"when finished] Name email Question Title * 2. We only do 5 things... 1] Get names and numbers2] Contact people and ask them to look at our stuff3] Show 'em our stuff 4] Collect a decision5] Show the ones that say "yes" how to do the first 4 things True False It's not that simple [so, really, this is another way to say "false" 😜] Anything you'd like to add? Question Title * 3. Are you currently with a network marketing company? Yes... I am working 1 network marketing deal Yes... I am in more than 1 network marketing deal No, never done a network marketing deal... looking to learn how then pick a company No, I am currently not working a networking deal but I have done 1 or more anything to add? Question Title * 4. My earnings last year in network marketing PER MONTH Under $1000 per month Over $1000 and under $3000 per month Over $3000 and under $5000 per month Over $5000 and under $8000 per month Over $8000 and under $11,000 per month Over $11,000 per month comments? Question Title * 5. Time invested in Networking... My first year 1-3 years 3-5 years More than 5 years Any thing you'd like to add? Question Title * 6. I understand that you're asking questions to prepare yourself for this 4 days of real, intensive training, customizing it. I am new to this concept and will be happy to do some homework to prepare. This is a whole new concept to me and it makes great sense. YES! I want to get prepared so I can learn, retain and apply I'm sort of buying the idea but, really, isn't it your job? I'll think about it It depends on what the homework is. This is nonsense. If I'm going someplace [hotel, online, etc] to learn something my job is to show up on time, be polite and be open to ideas that I may be able to use. Your job is to teach us. Something you'd like to add or share? Question Title * 7. My training... My up-team and sponsor have trained My company has a standardized training system Lot's of leaders in my company have sites with trainings on them I follow some gurus, google stuff and follow generic trainers others have told me about All of the above Some of the above Probably all of the above but I really don't know "what" to do day-to-day or "how" to do it effectively Need to tell us more? Question Title * 8. My biggest challenge is... Fear... scared to death that I will mess it up I can feel the energy slipping away even though I think the presentation is OK Collecting a decision... stalling on their part leads to stalling on my part... not sure how to resolve them instantly Objections... All the great sounding rebuttals I hear and try just don't seem to work I know how to explain the plan, product, company... do it well but the closing ratio SUCKS!! I use a company video and the results are poor My upteam presents and while I appreciate it, the results are far from what I hope for Fire away Question Title * 9. How many hours are you committed to each week in your business? Under 3 4 5 6 7 8-10 11-12 13-16 17+ Question Title * 10. What is your color for the colorcode quiz? [If you haven't taken it, please do so now. Click here, take quiz, return and finish this "prep" survey. Red Blue White Yellow Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. The trainings will be conducted live on Facebook... and we'll open the lines and take questions everyday. We realize that for some people they can't make all four 4-hour trainings. So we'll record them and have the workbooks up on our concierge page for about 4 days. I did not know that, that's great. I knew that and I have some questions We'd love to know what bugs you, confuses you, frustrates you... here is where you can drop questions in prior to this mega workshop to make certain we cover it for you and/or your team Question Title * 12. When you hear things like... "40+% of the people we enrolled did not know the name of the company till they filled out the application"... and, "rejection-free recruiting" ... and ... built a 6-figure income in 12 hours a week... I think it would be great but have a hard time believing it I think all things are possible but... A crock of bulls&$t I believe one of those might be possible but even that is a big maybe I believe that you can teach us all 3 fire away with any thoughts you might have Question Title * 13. I have been through go90grow© yes no Question Title * 14. The Grit Test from the Concierge Page... I have not taken it yet I have not taken it and probably won't I haven't taken it yet, but I will I took the test If you took the test, please drop your score [and any comment you like, this text box Question Title * 15. ColorCode ... what color did you come out as... Red Blue White Yellow Haven't take it yet Comments? Question Title * 16. Have you ever been to a network marketing training, conference call, event, etc., where you were asked questions and given homework to prepare? Yes No Once in a while something was requested but nothing like this. How do you feel about preparing for a workshop, doing work and being asked in detail about your business, habits and challenges? Question Title * 17. There are two ways to plug into the training. You can view it once you join the group on Facebook as a live stream or you can come into via a zoom webcast... so you can interact, ask questions live and be fully engaged. This option, coming in via the webcast/zoom will help you retain 40-50% more that just viewing. It will require just 1 more tiny step, registering for the webcasts daily... [here's the link for day 1 on Nov. 10th] I "get it"... that by being live with Mark and hands on support is the best option, I'll be registering for the webcasts I'll just watch it on the livestream, glad it's an option What other options for viewing would you like to see? Question Title * 18. When it comes to learning environments... I like powerpoint presentations 😇 Big-ass white board... I like just a speaker/teacher/trainer... no white board, no powerpoint I prefer a combo of the stuff above... some just the speaker, some powerpoint and some white board Got an option you like not mentioned here? Question Title * 19. Anything to add? Things you'd like us to cover? Challenges you personally have? This question does not require an answer. Done, Hit Me