Self-Check II Competency Kit Result Submission 8% of survey complete. Question Title * 1. Self-check II is approved for continuing education credits (CE) (2.0 contact hours) through P.A.C.E., Florida BPR and California DHS. California or Florida License number must be provided to receive CE for those states. To receive CE, you must perform, at a minimum, those objectives indicated with an asterisk (*) below. If a required objective/test is not performed by your laboratory, you will still receive a certificate of completion if all other test results are satisfactory; however, no P.A.C.E., Florida BPR and California DHS CE credits can be issued. This product is for educational use only.Objectives:Using your laboratory’s appropriate procedures, you must correctly complete the following objectives if applicable to your laboratory procedures:1. Determine ABO and Rh typing on the samples in this kit and resolve any ABO and Rh typing discrepancies.*2. Determine the presence or absence of unexpected antibody(ies) on the sample in this kit.*3. Identify the antibody specificity in the sample in this kit.*4. Perform compatibility testing using the red blood cells supplied as representing the donor(s).*5. Perform appropriate antigen testing of the red blood cells supplied.Participant Instructions:1. Perform testing as described in the objectives above.2. Enter your results either online (instructions below) or on this form for those tests that you performed in your laboratory.3. If a test is not performed in your laboratory, check “NP” for that result.4. *To receive CE credits:a. You must perform, at a minimum, those objectives indicated with an asterisk above.b. Results must be received either through the mail or electronically by Immucor prior to one month after kit expiration.Enter the information below about the test kit.To ensure you are entering the lot number, please reference the picture below. Lot Number Expiration Date Question Title Question Title * 2. Enter demographic information for testing personnel. First Name: Last Name E-mail Address: Facility Name: Facility Address: Facility City: Facility State or Province: Facility Postal or Zip Code: Facility Country: Next