
Thank you for your interest in participating in the second joint AISAP-SchoolAdmin survey, The Scale - Measuring Admission and Marketing Performance.  We made The Scale a very easy, short survey, but some in depth knowledge of your Admissions and Marketing department will be necessary. At the end of the survey, we would deeply appreciate your feedback on your impressions of this new survey.

To advance in the survey, the [Next] button on a page or the [Submit] button at the end of the survey must be clicked to save the page(s) of answers.

The Scale is organized into 6 sections:
To Complete The Scale:
1. Please complete all sections, following the instructions for each section. If you do not know the answer to a question, please offer your best realistic estimate--you do not need to enter 0 or inaccurate information to proceed.

2. If you have questions, please email cindy@aisap.org or refer to the Scale Quick Start Checklist or Scale Survey Spreadsheet (clicking will download the document) to gather information needed to take the survey.
To Thank You for Completing the Survey:
To express our gratitude, we offer, to all AISAP members and to non-members who participated, a custom copy of the 2015-16 Admission/Marketing Assessment Report for YOUR SCHOOL. This includes a complimentary consultation to decipher the data.

Once the 2015-16 Annual Admissions and Marketing Performance Benchmarking Report is available, we are happy to also offer this to all AISAP members and to non-members who participated (a $60 value). Please remember to include your email address if you want a copy of the report!

In addition, we will be presenting the results of the 2015-16 Annual Admissions and Marketing Performance Benchmarking Report at the AISAP Annual Institute--so if you'll be joining us at the institute, you'll hear all about it!

Finally, as one more way to express our appreciation, when you participate in the SCALE© Survey, we will award you a 2015-16 Scale Participant ribbon for your profile on our community, the AISAP Exchange:

Give Yourself a Pat on the Back!
The joint AISAP-SchoolAdmin Annual Admission and Marketing Performance Survey is intended to be used by independent schools throughout the United States and Internationally. By completing this survey, you assist so very many of your colleagues—this is a tremendous service to those involved in enrollment management.


