Welcome to Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools faith community survey for parents. The responses to this survey will provide us with valuable information about how we are meeting our goals under the faith pillar. Please respond to each question by clicking on the answer you wish to select. Click on "done" when you are finished.

Question Title

* 1. Which school does your child attend? If you have children attending more than one school for this survey please select the school that sent you the invitation to participate.

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* 2. How satisfied are you with the religious celebrations that are held at your child's school?

Examples of religious celebrations include, but are not limited to:
Liturgy/Mass (Thanksgiving, Advent, Lent, Holy Thursday, Easter)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Stations of the Cross
Feast Day Celebrations
Prayer Services
Faith Days
School Retreats

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* 3. How satisfied are you with what is taught in your child's Religion classes?

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* 4. How satisfied are you with your child's school's efforts to do all things as Jesus would want them done?

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* 5. How satisfied are you with how you have grown as a Christian as a result of your involvement with Catholic Education?

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* 6. How satisfied are you with the relationship that exists between your child's school and the local Catholic church?

Examples of how the school and Catholic church work together could include, not is not limited to:
- Social Justice Projects 
- Raising money for charity
- Sacramental Preparation (Baptism, First Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation)
- Division-Wide Adoration
- School Masses/Liturgy
- School Visits by Parish Priest

Question Title

* 7. Please use this space to expand your response to any of the survey questions if you wish.

Thank you for completing the survey.