
Shelter WA’s vision is that all people living in Western Australia have housing that enables them to thrive.

As the peak body for social and affordable housing and ending homelessness, we advocate for system change within the housing system, so everyone has a place to call home. We have a core focus on housing for people on 'very low', 'low' and 'low to moderate' incomes and people that experience housing insecurity.

To do this, we bring together a strong coalition of organisations and people committed to diverse and affordable housing choice for all.

The information from our stakeholder survey will enable us to better target our policy and research,engagement and advocacy and to continue to build a strong network of supporters who share in our vision.

We are inviting you, as an important member of the Shelter WA community, to complete our short, annual survey.

All responses to this survey will be confidential and will contribute to our ongoing, continuous improvement.

The survey should take between 5-10 minutes to complete and will close on Friday 4th October 2019. To be in the draw for a $100 Coles Myer Gift Card, please enter your name and email in the last question.

If you have any queries regarding the survey please contact Lisa Kazalac, policy@shelterwa.org.au or 08 9325 6660.

Many thanks

The Shelter WA Team