As part of the AONL Workforce Committee's effort to keep resources updated, we are calling on you to help us by sharing your exemplars and scenarios of best practices as related to the below categories. We recognize that the healthcare environment has evolved, and we look to periodically release new information in an effort to support you. In order to better our resources, we are interested in hearing what best practices our materials have sparked in your organizations.

Help AONL and its members unlock the full spectrum of innovation -- submit this form as many times as you'd like to share your best practices in various categories!

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Are you the best contact for any follow up questions?

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* 3. If no, who is the best contact?

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* 4. Email Address for Best Contact

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* 5. Phone Number for Best Contact

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* 6. Which Workforce Topics Best Describe the Best Practice?

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* 7. Background  (Please describe why you/your team developed this best practice/innovation - up to 200 words)

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* 8. What were the realized/expected outcomes? (Please describe how you tracked changes or know that it worked - up to 200 words)

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* 9. Please list any references used (if applicable) (up to 5 references)