General information

This survey is part of a project Erasmus+ - School Tune into Mars (STIM) that aims to
• provide pedagogical materials with high-quality inspirational lessons related to STEM subjects
• provide adequate guidance and underpin innovative activities that are developed in a co-constructive process between researchers and teachers

The objective of the survey is to get the opinion of the science teachers in order to be better able to address their needs and interest and to improve the development of the projects.
The data collected will be deleted after 36 months

The survey is addressed to different profiles:

- IF YOU TEACH & PARTICIPATE AS A USER IN PROJECTS/INITIATIVES. First, we ask for some demographic variables. Secondly, we ask you about your participation in projects/initiatives. Finally, we ask you a sets of questions about your possible motivations: those that lead you to join projects or to implement activities

- IF YOU TEACH BUT YOU ARE NOT A USER IN PROJECTS/INITIATIVES. In addition to some demographic variables, we ask you - with the option of a free text - about the factors that motivate you

The last day of receipt of surveys is 28th of March
The estimated duration is about 10 minutes.

Data collection and processing
The data collected through this survey will be used strictly in line with the objectives defined above. This questionnaire is supported by Schools Tune Into Mars, a project financed by the Erasmus + programme and coordinated by the Lycée International de Valbonne (LIV) in collaboration with EUN Partnership AISBL, the Asociacion Espanola para la Ensenanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra (AEPECT) and the National Institute for Earth Physics (NIEP). All anonymous data collected via this survey will be made freely available online (open access). If they wish, participants can provide their name and email at the beginning of the survey, only if they are interested in providing follow-up information which would lead to participating to a focus group and activities related to the project. The Lycée International de Valbonne (LIV) is the controller of this personal data. This information will not be shared outside the Lycée International de Valbonne (France) and partners of the project mentioned above (for example, your name and e-mail address will not be shared with external partners), and it will be used only according to the purposes declared. If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Fatima Moujdi (

Question Title

* 1. The personal data collect will be used only for:

  • assessing the needs and opportunity of implementing STIM activities
  • better configure the intellectual outputs of the project
  • contacting to share the results and propose further involvements in the project activities

By consenting to this privacy notice you are given us the permission to process your personal data specifically for the purposes identified.

Question Title
