Spuzzum Members!  COMPLETE THE SURVEY and ENTER TO WIN A GIFT BASKET (TWO WINNERS)!!  (canning and gardening gift baskets)
We are moving forward with the next phase of planning for the Spuzzum Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) that will help guide the Nation in decision-making on Reserve and result in a clear vision and action plan for the community.

Member input was collected at the CCP Open House in November 2019 and through several online surveys resulting in a CCP vision, goals and actions. and set of goals for the CCP. Now, we need your help reviewing parts of the draft Plan to make sure we heard you. 

We recommend that you review the draft CCP prior to completing the survey - Click here to see the draft CCP: spuzzumnation.com/CCP

Follow along with the instructional video while you complete the survey:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=22W69dinBdQ

The survey closes on August 6th at 4pm!  

For more information, a paper survey to fill out or if you need help completing the survey, please contact Shelley Bobb at 604-863-2395.
Hard copies can be returned to the administration office at:
36500 Main Road,
Spuzzum, V0K 2S1
What & Why?

The CCP is our overarching vision for the future; a Plan that supports our current needs without compromising the ability of our children and grandchildren to meet their needs in the future. This Plan shapes where we invest our resources and time over the short to long term future. It is typically reviewed every five years and is monitored on a yearly basis to check-in and adapt to changes and community needs. 

The 2020 Spuzzum Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) is the result of a detailed review and update of the 2012 Comprehensive Development Plan. It builds upon the work completed in the 2012 Plan. 

The review is focused only on the written content. Once we collect the input and finalize the Plan, it will be laid out by a graphic designer so it visually reflects Spuzzum through pictures and graphics.

A Community-Driven Plan  

The 2020 CCP is the product of Spuzzum Members, Chief and Council, CCP Planning Team members, staff and loved ones. Using community input, a vision and framework with seven core topics was developed to shape the overall content of the Plan for our future. 

A Vision Our Future

The vision was developed with extensive comments and combines the thoughts and values of all Members who participated. It reflects the common themes that Members identified. The CCP Planning Team evaluated all input received toward the vision and crafted the following statement for the 2020 CCP: 

“A strong and united Nlaka’pamux Nation with respect for our lands and water.” 

Question Title

* 1. Does this vision statement feel right to you? Use the slider below to tell us how you feel.

Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 2. If you don't feel this reflects our community vision, why? Feel free to skip this question if you agree with the vision statement.

CCP Topic Areas

The 2020 CCP has been developed with member comments and is framed by seven core topic areas, including:

  • Governance
  • Culture and Language
  • Social Development
  • Infrastructure
  • Lands and Resources
  • Health and Wellness
  • Economic Development

A CCP wheel was developed to illustrate the core elements of the Plan depicting community at the centre with the core topics surrounded by culture and tradition.

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CCP Goals
A set of goals was developed for each of the core topic areas. Several of the goals have been carried over or adapted from the 2012 Comprehensive Development Plan to account for what was still applicable in addition to some new goals added to account for community needs. In November 2019, we reviewed, engaged and confirmed the 2020 goals with Members. 

Next Steps - Finalizing the Plan for Approval
The Draft CCP is now available for review - INSERT LINK

Draft CCP Actions
We are collecting input from Members on finalize the list of Action items for each topic area that will be worked on in the coming years. There were many ideas for CCP Actions that came up during the earlier phases of community engagement. Many of these ideas are included in the list of Actions developed for the topic Goals. If you have any additional comments or feedback now is time to provide your input so that we can move forward in finalizing the CCP.

Take the time to review the draft CCP - click here - Hard copies are also available at the Band office.
Culture & Language 

With an focus on preserving knowledge of cultural ways and traditions, we encourage sharing of language from Elders to younger generations. Culture and language was one of the most talked about topics during the 2019-2020 CCP planning process and is deemed a high priority for Members. 

Culture & Language Goals
  • The Spuzzum First Nation will have a strong sense of pride and identity based on a deep knowledge and understanding of our culture and heritage.
  • Our children and all Members will know and live their language and culture every day.
  • Spuzzum Members, particularly children, have the skills and capacity to practice traditional crafts and activities.
  • Elders have the opportunity to pass on their knowledge and skills to younger generations.

Question Title

* 3. Rank the Culture & Language Actions using numbers with ‘1’ being the highest priority.

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* 4. If there is anything you would like to change, add, remove or comment on from the Culture & Language Actions, please share below.

Governance goals relate to building trust and strengthening relationships through improved and clear communications.  Enhancing communications among Members, Staff and Chief and Council was a key theme of the 2019-2020 planning process.

A Chief and Council Governance Handbook was recently developed and is a tool for enhancing decision-making for our future. 

Governance Goals
  • An open and transparent Nation where all voices are respected and heard.
  • Unity, trust and solidarity is established among the membership, leadership and staff for future generations.
  • A government that is founded on and based upon the traditional values and teachings of the Spuzzum people.
  • A Nation that has a strong and healthy relationship with our neighbours and fellow Nlaka’pamux Communities.
  • Decision-making processes are transparent and accountable.
  • Members are consulted on decisions that have an impact on the Nation.
  • Planning projects are implemented in a timely and effective manner and have clear goals, objectives and criteria for measuring success.

Question Title

* 5. Rank the Governance Actions using numbers with ‘1’ being the highest priority.

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* 6. If there is anything you would like to change, add, remove, or comment on from the Governance Actions, please share below.

Economic Development

We are committed to pursuing revenue generating opportunities and partnerships for the Nation that consider the needs and values of our Members.

We have relied heavily on forestry, but we are shifting toward a broader  approach with the tourism and agricultural industries offering potential opportunities.

Economic Development Goals
  • We have a sustainable, diversified economy that provides revenue for our Nation and jobs for Members.
  • Year round and seasonal job opportunities for Members close to home will be available.
  • Our Members will have the opportunity to start a small business with access to resources, tools and skills training.
  • Options for developing agricultural operations will be explored and pursued if feasible.

Question Title

* 7. Rank the Economic Development Actions using numbers with ‘1’ being the highest priority.

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* 8. If there is anything you would like to change, add, remove, or comment on from the Economic Development Actions, please share below.


Infrastructure refers to the basic facilities and systems that help our Nation run and includes but is not limited to our:
  • roads
  • houses
  • playgrounds
  • internet service
  • phone lines
  • sewage treatment
  • drinking water
  • street lighting
  • power generation
Ensuring the Nation’s existing infrastructure is up-to-date and properly maintained and securing funds to upgrade or expand our infrastructure is a necessary part of our Nation’s operation and maintaining the health and safety of our Members.   

Infrastructure Goals
  • A Nation with high quality, sustainable housing, community buildings and services that meet the needs of Members and ensure the highest possible quality of life for our Members.
  • Our infrastructure is designed for the future in an economically, financially, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner.
  • Roads and drainage systems are in place and properly maintained to protect our lands and other assets from flooding and landslides.
  • Housing is available at, or close to home for those who need it or wish to move back.
  • Recreational activities meet the needs of people of all ages living here.

Question Title

* 9. Rank the Infrastructure Actions using numbers with ‘1’ being the highest priority.

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* 10. If there is anything you would like to change, add, remove or comment on from the Infrastructure Actions, please share below.

Lands & Resources 

The Nation is currently developing its first Land Use Plan which will fall under the umbrella of the CCP and be a step toward informed decision-making about land management on Reserve. 

Member input has indicated that there is a desire to find better ways to utilize the Spuzzum land base while maintaining environmental protection of sensitive areas and natural resources such as timber and fish.   

Lands & Resources Goals
  • Sensitive lands and resources are protected.
  • We have a greater understanding of all developable lands on Reserve and in our Territory.
  • We have a greater understanding of our natural resources on Reserve and in our Territory.
  • Natural resources are used more efficiently (such as fishing as opportunity for education, source of income and food).
  • Core services, building and facilities are planned and constructed in and around the Band Administration Office.
  • Spuzzum First Nation has more involvement in decision-making related to land development and resource extraction on Reserve and in our Territory.
  • Appropriate land is available for future housing for Members.

Question Title

* 11. Rank the Land and Resources Actions using numbers with ‘1’ being the highest priority.

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* 12. If there is anything you would like to change, add, remove or comment on from the Lands and Resources Actions, please share below.

Social Development

Social development is related to the continued support for our Members, young and old.  Investing in our Nation’s people and their future is a key element of ‘social development,’ including access to childcare and proper schooling.

A strong theme heard through CCP Member engagement was that access to employment for those living on Reserve is a challenge and a major limiting factor for those off-Reserve Members who would like to move ‘home’.

Social services offered by the Nation include, but are not limited to, peer outreach, child and family counseling, family support and income assistance including persons with disabilities assistance.

Social Development Goals
  • An open and welcoming Nation where Spuzzum Members can return home and feel a sense of pride and belonging.
  • Existing and new services and programs consider the needs of all Members with a focus on Elders, children and youth.
  • Members have the training and education to pursue and attain meaningful, sustainable employment.
  • There is an increasing trend in the number of Spuzzum youth graduating from high school and post-secondary institutions.

Question Title

* 13. Rank the Social Development Actions using numbers with ‘1’ being the highest priority.

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* 14. If there is anything you would like to change, add, remove or comment on from the Social Development Actions, please share below.

Health & Wellness

The health and wellness of our Members is very important for the future of our Nation. We are working towards achieving optimal physical and mental health, taking active, preventative steps for our own well-being.

Health & Wellness Goals
  • To provide opportunities for recreation and active, healthy living for our membership with a focus on youth and Elders.
  • Enhance community safety
  • Encourage happy, healthy, active lifestyles.

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* 15. Rank the Health & Wellness Actions using numbers with ‘1’ being the highest priority.

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* 16. If there anything that you would like to change, add, delete or comment on from the Health & Wellness Actions, please share below.

Plan Implementation

Finally, we are collecting input to support how we implement the CCP Vision, Goals and Actions.

The success of the Spuzzum CCP lies in the ability to bring everyone together during the planning process, create a common, Member-supported vision and ultimately in how well the CCP is implemented once it has been adopted by Chief and Council.

Please take the time to review the CCP Implementation Plan included as Appendix 3, pages 50 - 62 of the draft 2020 CCP. [Insert link when it's live.]

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* 17. Besides Spuzzum staff, Chief and Council, and members who needs to be included in implementing this plan? An example might be a local recreation group or a watershed organization. 

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* 18. Is there any other information you would like to share about the draft CCP?

Thank you for completing this survey!

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* 19. If you would like to be entered into a prize draw to win a canning gift basket please share your name and phone number below.  (contact information will not be used for any other purpose)