Floodplain Design, Construction and Impacts on Flood Insurance - 2 PDH

Date:  Tuesday, April 16, 2019.

Location: Brooker Engineering - Meeting Hall
74 Lafayette Avenue, 5th Floor, Suite 501 
Suffern, NY 10901

Time: 5:30 PM - Refreshments, Food & Networking

6:00 PM - Lecture will begin promptly.

COST: $20 for Members, $40 for Non-Members*

RSVP your attendance in the box below:

Course Title:  Understanding Active and Passive Floodproofing Options for Non-Residential Buildings in a Special Flood Hazard Area- 1 PDH

Speaker:    Brian Johnson, Flood Mitigation Specialist of NJ/NY/PA.
Summary of this course: Floodproofing measures are required for all buildings located in a FEMA floodplain. This course identifies the effects of hydrostatic pressure on building sustainability and explains dry and wet floodproofing techniques utilized to mitigate against flood damage. A review of the liability associated with each floodproofing option is provided. Relevant FEMA regulations, ICC building codes, and ASCE 24 are reviewed. The course provides an in-depth analysis of active and passive floodproofing options and the effect each of these options have on a design. Case studies will demonstrate how to effectively incorporate floodproofing techniques in projects.

Learning Objectives:
1.  Identify the applicable ICC building codes and FEMA regulations pertaining to nonresidential flood proofing options.
2.  Understand the design benefits for each dry flood proofing and wet flood proofing option.
3.  Identify design issues and occupants’ risks associated with active flood proofing techniques and the liability associated with those risks.
4.  Analyze the differences between Active and Passive flood proofing techniques and how they affect the buildings sustainability.
Course Title:  Floodplain Design, Construction, and Impacts on Flood Insurance- 1 PDH
Speaker:  Brian Johnson, Flood Mitigation Specialist of NJ/NY/PA .
This course provides insight into the importance of proper foundation flood vents and compliance with Building Codes and FEMA standards and how they can effectively prevent major damage to buildings due to flooding. The course will review applicable codes pertaining to foundation flood venting, including a complete review of FEMA’s new Technical Bulletin TB-1

In this presentation an overview of the following topics will be discussed:
1.  Describe floods, floodplains, and the potential hazards to buildings.
2.  Explain the differences between wet and dry floodproofing techniques and acceptable applications.
3.  Describe the role of flood openings in flood events to ensure resilient structures.
4.  Analyze the role of building compliance in securing reduced flood insurance rates and what mitigation.


This notification is your invitation to join this PE's in Construction Lecture presentation to be held at Brooker Engineering headquarters on Tuesday, April 16, 2019. Refreshments and networking to start around 5:30 PM followed by the lecture which will begin at 6:00 pm promptly. Brooker Engineering is located at 74 Lafayette Avenue, 5th Floor, Suite 501, Suffern, NY 10901- T 845-357-4411 Ext. 101.

This event is open to the public. Please spread the word throughout your organization.

Payments may be made at the door at the beginning of the event, by cash or check payable to NYSSPE - PEC or in advance by credit card by contacting Jennifer Miller 518-283-7490. For further information on schedule, registration and/or for ticket purchase, contact Rudi Sherbansky P.E. - PE's in Construction Group - mailrudi@yahoo.com

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* 1. To RSVP & Reserve your Seat, Insert your Full Name and Email here:

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* 2. Optional: If you plan to bring other associates, please indicate number of seats required:

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* 3. * If you are a non-member and would like to obtain an annual membership at a discounted rate and to attend the event as our guest, fill out your Name, Email Address and Phone Number below.

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Presented by the PE's in Construction Group of the

Presented by the <span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #00ccff;"><a href="http://nysspe.org/professional-engineers-in-construction-pec/" rel="nofollow" style="color: #00ccff; text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank">PE's in Construction Group</a> </span>of the<br> <span style="text-decoration: underline; color: #00ccff;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="http://nysspe.org/category/pec-news/" rel="nofollow" style="color: #00ccff; text-decoration: underline;" target="_blank">NYS SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS</a></span></span>