1. Welcome

The following series of questions are being used to develop a brief overview of your current activities and acts as a way for me to assess your other technology related needs. The results can be used to create an informal, flexible and customizable action plan.
A few hints while completing Part 2; try to not get bound up in small details. It is meant to inspire your thinking while also providing me with a "work list" of your current thinking.
While Part 1 of the assessment was designed for those of you who were looking to engage in social media platforms more fully. Part 2 is designed for those of you who are considering the use of a blog or website.

Question Title

* 1. The Basics

Question Title

* 2. How would you prefer to be contacted for follow up?

By Phone (Skype, FaceTime, etc)
By Email
By SMS or Text Messaging
No Preference

Question Title

* 3. Please enter today's Date


Question Title

* 4. I have completed Part 1; Social Media Landscape Assessment