Digital Health and Health Informatics Subject Matter Experts EOI
The Australasian Institute of Digital Health (AIDH) welcomes your expression of interest to join our efforts to build digital health capability across the health workforce.
We are seeking experienced, passionate subject matter experts in a range of digital health fields to collaborate with us on upcoming projects.
We are looking for people who have interest and expertise in the following areas:
- Governance advisers - Subject Matter Experts in digital health and health informatics - Contract opportunities - Validating industry standards - Learning & Development professionals with experience in health and digital health/informatics
These opportunities are for AIDH Fellows, Associate Fellows and members. We have a strong and committed community of digital health and informatics professionals who remain key to the workforce development initiatives of the Institute. If you haven't joined the Institute yet in its foundation year, don't hesitate to sign up and get involved. Your community needs you.