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* 1. Do Telecommunicators in your PSAP receive at least 2-3 hours of T-CPR education annually?

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* 2. Do you perform QI on 100% of your calls for cardiac arrest?

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* 3. As part of your QI review, do you listen to the call audio for every cardiac arrest case? As part of your QI review, do you listen to the call audio for every cardiac arrest case?

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* 4. Do you measure the time interval between the time when the call was received and when cardiac arrest was recognized?

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* 5. Do you measure the time interval between the time when the call was received and when the first T-CPR directed chest compression was delivered? 

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* 6. Do telecommunicators receive feedback on their T-CPR performance?

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* 7. Do you share T-CPR performance data with your employees and stakeholders? 

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* 8. Do you provide your telecommunicators an opportunity to improve their skills through simulated practice of calls for cardiac arrest?

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* 9. Please enter your email address to receive results from the survey.