City of Schenectady, NY - Signage Survey

Wayfinding refers to gateway, parking, interpretive, vehicular, and pedestrian signs.
Demographic Information:
1.Please identify your connection to the City of Schenectady. (Select all that apply)
2.How often do you visit Schenectady?
3.What is your primary mode of transportation while in Schenectady?
Awareness and Perception:
4.Have you noticed any wayfinding signs to help guide you through Schenectady before today?
5.How well do you think the current signage helps you navigate Schenectady?
6.What words or phrases come to mind when you think about the signage in Schenectady?
7.What are the neighborhoods/districts in downtown Schenectady that you typically visit or refer to?
8.What aspects of the existing wayfinding signage do you find most helpful? (Select all that apply)
9.Describe any aspects of the existing wayfinding signage that you find confusing or unhelpful.
Usage and Effectiveness:
10.Have you ever used the existing wayfinding signage to navigate through Schenectady?
11.How easy is it to understand the information provided on the signage?
12.Can you recall a specific instance when wayfinding signage helped you reach your destination more easily?
13.Have you ever encountered situations where the signage was insufficient or misleading? Please provide an example.
14.How often do you rely on digital mapping apps (Google Maps, Apple Maps, etc.) instead of Schenectady's signage?
15.Are there specific areas or intersections in Schenectady where additional wayfinding signs would benefit you?
16.In what areas do you think Schenectady's signage could be improved?
17.Are there any locations in Schenectady where you feel there is a lack of signage?
18.How do you think technology (e.g., digital displays, and/or mobile apps) could enhance the wayfinding experience?
19.Please select the themes that best reflect the City of Schenectady’s identity: (Select all that apply)
Additional Comments:
20.Do you have any additional thoughts or comments regarding the signage in Schenectady?