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The South East Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC) is currently conducting a transit plan to assess the feasibility and demand for regional transit services connecting cities and towns in South East Texas. This is your opportunity to provide your thoughts about the needs within your region. Please take a few minutes to complete the following short survey by (January 13th) so we can better understand regional transit service demands. Individual survey responses will be kept confidential.
We are interested in getting your input about the potential needs for regional services and connecting the region to other places. 
First, please tell us about your typical travel patterns. 

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* 1. Where do you live? Name of city or town, or zip code

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* 2. If you work outside the home, where do you work? Name of city or town, or zip code

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* 3. Do you travel outside your city or town to other towns in the region?

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* 4. If yes, where?

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* 5. Why do you need to make these regional trips? (check all that apply)

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* 6. What is your primary mode of daily transportation? Please check only one.

Tell us about regional transportation needs.

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* 7. Currently there is no regional bus service connecting towns in this region.  Do you think there is a need for regional bus services connecting cities and towns in southeast Texas, for example routes connecting Beaumont, Port Arthur, Silsbee, Orange, Lumberton, or Jasper?  Or even service to Woodville, Houston or Lake Charles?

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* 8. What are the most important locations to serve with regional public transit in these cities/towns? (Example: Walmart, Baptist Hospital, etc.) If you are unfamiliar with the city/town or do not know of locations that need to be served please leave the space blank.

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* 9. Which days should regional buses operate?

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* 10. How early/;ater should regional buses operate?

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* 11. What would attract you to use such a service?

How do you get around?

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* 12. Do you use any of the public transportation services that operate in southeast Texas?

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* 13. Which of the following transportation services do you use?  Please check all that apply and how often you use this service.

  2-3 times per week or more Once a week A few times per month About once a month Less than once a month
Beaumont ZIP Transit 
PAT (Port Arthur Transit)
Southeast Texas Transit
Brazos Transit
Vanpools or Carpools
Employer-provided buses

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* 14. If you use public transportation, what are your main reasons for your trip? Please check all that apply.

Please tell us a little about yourself.   

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* 15. What is your zip code?

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* 16. What is your gender?

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* 17. Please indicate your age:

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* 18. Do you have a driver’s license?

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* 19. Do you have a car available to drive on a regular basis?

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* 20. How many working cars/trucks/SUVs/motorcycles are in your household?

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* 21. Which of the following best describes your current employment status?  (You may check more than one.)

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* 22. What is your annual household income?

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* 23. How would you classify yourself? (Please check all that apply.)

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* 24. Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

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* 25. Do you speak a language other than English at home?  

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* 26. If yes, how well do you speak English?

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* 27. Please provide any additional comments concerning public transportation in southeast Texas.

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* 28. If you would like to receive updates about the SETRPC Regional Connectivity Study, please provide your contact information:

Thank You.
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