South Carolina Captive Insurance Association
Annual Executive Educational Conference
September 23-25, 2025
Hyatt Place / Sterling Hall
Charleston, SC

We are seeking input from the SCCIA membership for session topics and speakers. Panels are welcome. Speakers should possess motivation, originality and excellent public speaking skills. Each presentation will last approximately one hour. Preference will be given to presenters who are members of the SCCIA.

Deadline for submission is April 15, 2025. Approval notifications will be sent by May 23, 2025.

Submissions should include the following:
- Topic and description
- Presenter name
- Contact information for both applicant and presenter

Vision Statement: To be a thought leader and resource for our members in the captive insurance industry in South Carolina while supporting South Carolina as a premier captive domicile.

Mission Statement: The SCCIA provides advocacy, promotion and education for the stakeholders of the South Carolina captive insurance industry.

Questions? | (803) 779-6677

Thank you for your interest!

Question Title

* 1. Applicant's Name

Question Title

* 2. Email address

Question Title

* 3. Company

Question Title

* 4. Telephone Number

Question Title

* 5. Speaker's Name, Company and Email (if different than above)

Question Title

* 6. Format

Question Title

* 7. Title of Presentation

Question Title

* 8. Session Description (Limit to 1 paragraph)

Thank you for submitting a session proposal.  We look forward to reviewing it!