1. School of Business Recent Alumni Survey

20% of survey complete.
Greetings alumni of the School of Business at Montclair State University!

Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your up-to-date contact information, career information, and share your thoughts and comments on your School of Business experience. Please only complete this survey if you are a graduate of the Montclair State School of Business within the last five years (2008-2012).

Your feedback is important to us. The Office of Alumni Relations and the School of Business are compiling this information to assist our efforts to better serve students and alumni, recruit prospective students, and enhance the value of a Montclair State business degree.

Your individual responses will be kept private and only used to update your alumni records and provide you with personalized event invitations, volunteer opportunities, and tailor our communications. Any publicly distributed reporting will only include aggregate data (e.g., averages) and quoted commentary will not be attributed to specific individuals.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.