Exit Question Title Statewide Active Transportation Plan (SATP) and Statewide Multimodal Transit Plan (SMTP) SurveyAs our state’s population and economy continue to grow, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working to develop two comprehensive plans—the Statewide Multimodal Transit Plan (SMTP) and the Statewide Active Transportation Plan (SATP)—to help Texans get to where they want to go, meet the needs of our fast-growing state and contribute to a next-generation transportation network. More information about the plans, along with other information about active transportation and transit in the state, can be found on the TxDOT Public Transportation Division page.Please fill in the survey below. Question Title 1. Please provide your name, email address and zip code. Question Title 2. Would you like to be added to SATP and SMTP mailing lists to receive updates on the plans? Yes No Next