1. General Information

12% of survey complete.
Dear Participant,

Thank you for your interest in participating in this research on the effect of sound on the perception of wine characters. Please answer the questions that follow.

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* 1. Please enter your first name

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* 2. Are you over 18?

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* 3. Are you fluent in English?

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* 4. Have you consumed any red wine in the last month?

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* 5. Do you suffer from any taste, olfactory or auditory dysfunction that could impact on smelling and tasting wine or listening to sound through headphones?

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* 6. Do you have any allergies related to red wine consumption, sulphur dioxide or yeast?

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* 7. Do you have any past or present alcohol dependency issues?

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* 8. Are you pregnant?

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* 9. Are you taking any medication that could interact with alcohol?

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* 10. Did you participate in the wine and sound event at Urrbrae House on July 7th 2017?