Complete this survey by March 3

Thank you for taking the time to complete our 2025 Shopper Survey. Your answers will help us in our effort to create the best shopping experience possible. Provide your contact info at the end of this survey for the chance to win one of five $50 Co-op gift cards.

Question Title

* 1. What is your relationship to Hunger Mountain Co-op? Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 2. How likely would you be to recommend Hunger Mountain Co-op to a friend or colleague?

Question Title

* 3. Educating our shoppers is part of our mission. What educational opportunities would you be most likely to participate in?

  5 Highly Likely 4 3 2 1 Highly Unlikely No Opinion
On-site workshops
Off-site workshops
Book group
Film series
Farm tours/meet your farmer
Themed store tours/food education
Member gatherings/co-op education

Question Title

* 4. Our Prepared Foods Department has undergone some changes in the last few years. In thinking about long-term planning for that department, what services would you most likely utilize?

  5 Most Likely 4 3 2 1 Least Likely No Opinion
Cold ready-to-eat meals
Expanded hot bar options
Grab & Go proteins
Grab & Go sides and salads
Premade Sandwiches
Baked goods
Full-service butcher counter

Question Title

* 5. How well are we meeting your needs with respect to the following areas?

  5 Very Well 4 3 2 1 Very Poorly No Opinion
Product quality
Freshness of products
Cleanliness of store
Store hours
Availability of natural/organic foods
Availability of local foods
Information about our products and related topics
Overall store

Question Title

* 6. How well are we meeting your product needs in the following categories?

  5 Very Well 4 3 2 1 Very Poorly No Opinion
Dairy and refrigerated (milk, eggs, yogurt, soy, etc.)
Fresh fruits and veggies
Frozen foods
Meat and seafood
Deli and Grab & Go foods
Beer and wine
Bread and baked goods
Bulk foods (grains, beans, nuts, coffee, etc.)
Wellness (personal care, vitamins, supplements, and herbs)
Overall products

Question Title

* 7. Please rate your satisfaction with these aspects of the Co-op's customer service:

Very Satisfied
4 3 2 1
Very Dissatisfied
No Opinion
Availability of staff
Helpfulness of staff
Friendliness and courteousness of staff
Responsiveness to customer comments, suggestions, and feedback
Ability of staff to problem-solve issues on the spot
Customer service desk
Product returns
Product special orders
Member-owner services
Wellness desk
Overall customer service

Question Title

* 8. Indicate the extent to which you feel that our Co-op:

  5 Very Well 4 3 2 1 Very Poorly No Opinion
Promotes environmental stewardship
Makes ethical decisions
Has a positive influence on your health
Is a valued source of information about food and health issues
Supports the local food economy
Is a responsible employer
Promotes cooperatives as a business model
Offers an accessible shopping experience

Question Title

* 9. What do you think would make Hunger Mountain Co-op more inviting to new members?

Question Title

* 10. Our co-op exists to create and sustain a vibrant community of healthy individuals, sustainable local food systems, and thriving cooperative commerce. As we look forward to the next 5 to 10 years, what are the top one or two outcomes you would like to see our co-op community accomplish?

Question Title

* 11. What role could the Co-op play in developing community resilience?

Question Title

* 12. Our co-op seeks to create the best shopping and community experience for our member-owners and customers. Please share with us any suggestions you have on how we can better serve your needs.

Question Title

* 13. To be entered to win one of five $50 Co-op gift cards, complete the following: