Conference Theme: Restorative Practices with the 3C's: Community, Connection and Collaboration

Thank you for submitting a professional development workshop proposal for the MCA's 68th Annual Conference to be held on September 26 & 27, 2025. Our theme is "Restorative Practices with the 3C's: Community, Connection and Collaboration" Please complete the form below by April 30, 2025
The Maryland Counseling Association, Inc. (MCA) is a 501c3 non-profit corporation and state branch of the American Counseling Association. Accepted proposals will be notified by email by June 30, 2025. Presenters are expected to register no later than July 15, 2025. Proposals not accepted for the conference may be considered for a stand alone presentation for MCA at another time.
For more information, please email our conference chair at
MCA Reserves the right to determine whether proposal is approved by NBCC for Continuing Education Clock Hours

Question Title

* 1. Primary Presenter Full Name

Question Title

* 2. Email address

Question Title

* 3. Highest degree and field of study

Question Title

* 4. Credentials

Question Title

* 5. Is there a additional presenters?

Question Title

* 6. Please enter full name and credentials of all additional presenters

Question Title

* 7. Please enter name and emails for additional presenters

Question Title

* 8. Length of workshop

Question Title

* 9. Presenter will attend conference 

Question Title

* 10. Content Area of Workshop

Question Title

* 11. Target Audience

Question Title

* 12. Title of Presentation

Question Title

* 13. Please give a brief synopsis of your workshop presentation

Question Title

* 14. Please list at least 3 learning objectives for your worksho

Question Title

* 15. Primary Presenter Biography

Question Title

* 16. Additional Presenter Biography

Question Title

* 17. Additional Presenter Biography

Thank you for your conference proposal submission to MCA! You will be notified whether your submission is accepted or not by June 30, 2025.
*Please note, due to the interactive nature of live presentations, they cannot be recorded for future home study content due to privacy laws and NBCC guidelines.

MCA Leadership Team