Question Title

Review the following Promotion and Tenure scenario and select the correct answer(s) based on the insight gained from the Increasing Women in Neuroscience course. This question was adapted from the University of California, Irvine ADVANCE Program and the National Science Foundation under award SBE: -0123682

Kim is an assistant professor coming up for tenure in a year. She is very focused on her research and is sought after to participate in collaborative projects. Ted was hired as a full professor and has been a member of the department for 12 years and a member of the tenure committee for 4 years. He is a well-known scholar but his research has not been going well in recent years. He is on the path to slowing down and planning to retire in the next five years. Kim believes that although Ted’s research is lagging, he still has significant influence in the department and holds an important key to Kim’s tenure. Kim is slightly intimidated by Ted and does not feel like she and Ted have comfortable interactions.

What are some tactics that could be implemented by the department to minimize the perceived bias Kim might feel about Ted providing feedback during Kim’s tenure review? (Check all that apply)