Sustainability and Resilient Infrastructure International Study |
Informed Consent
You are being invited to participate in a research study. This study aims to find out your learning experience(s) and perception(s) related to resilient infrastructure in undergraduate curriculum. This document will help you decide if you want to participate in this research by providing you information about the study and what you are asked to do. This study will gather information on the experiences and perceptions of undergraduate students, course instructors, and industry leaders on resilient infrastructure within the undergraduate curriculum.
You have been asked to participate in this research because you are a student or course instructor in an undergraduate engineering program accredited by ABET or you are an industry leader in engineering. This study asks you questions about your experiences in the classroom related to resilient infrastructure ideas, content, materials, and resources.
Some reasons you might want to participate in this research are you will help college leaders and instructors better understand the student experience in learning resilient infrastructure across the United States of America. Some reasons you might not want to participate in this research are that completing a survey takes time and while we take steps to protect confidentiality, a breach of confidentiality is still a possibility.
The choice to participate or not is yours; participation is entirely voluntary. You can decline to participate in the surveys or any interviews or withdraw at any time. If you decide not to participate, to decline some activities, or withdraw, you will not lose any benefits which you may otherwise be entitled to receive.
Responses to this survey will remain confidential to the PIs. Every effort will be made to protect your confidentiality. The Office of Institutional Research Planning and Assessment (IRPA) at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology will store and maintain survey responses on an Institute-issued, password-protected computer system.
It is unlikely that you will benefit directly by participating in this study, but the research results may benefit college leaders and instructors as they understand the student experience and perceptions on resilient infrastructure in undergraduate engineering programs accredited by ABET. Future students and instructors may benefit from the findings of this study.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Kyle Kershaw (812-877-8368,
If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject or if you feel you have been placed at risk, you may contact the Rose-Hulman Institutional Reviewer, Dr. Daniel Morris, by mail at CM72, by phone at (812) 877-8314, or by email at