RHEAL = Rural Healthy Eating Active Living

TIP: Download a pdf of the RHEAL application (here) before starting your online application. Make sure you have everything prepared and ready to enter or upload. Our online system will not save, and allow you to return to complete, a partially filled out application. 
Apply before April 1, September 1 and/or December 1

The RHEAL Program makes it easier for communities to offer active recreation programs that meet local needs and interests. Through the RHEAL Program, RPAY provides support and grants to help local leaders design and deliver unique programs in their community.

RPAY welcomes applications for recreation programs that promote an active lifestyle in rural or First Nations communities, or target an underserved population. Activities that meet the guidelines, and are not excluded under RPAY’s insurance policy, may receive funding for wages/honoraria for a leader, materials and supplies, healthy snacks, and/or facility rental.

Accessible, inclusive, active recreation programming that takes place over the fall and winter and/or outdoors is prioritized. Programming must include regular sessions at least once per week for at least two months and be led by a qualified leader.

Qualified leaders are local individuals with relevant expertise and/or current certification who plan and deliver the program, use accepted risk management practices, and report on results. Individuals may access the Yukon Recreation Training Fund to acquire (re)certification.

For more information, become familiar with the program guidelines, application process, and responsibilities in the RHEAL Program Overview.
Please Note:
If this application is for more than one program, submit separate applications for each program.

Question Title

* 1. Choose the deadline under which this application will be submitted.

Question Title

* 2. Program (name/title):

Question Title

* 3. Program dates
TIP: Applications must provide a realistic start and end date. If you want to run a new program, choose a shorter timeframe and reapply at the next deadline if your program is a success. 
