We strive to provide excellent customer service at a reasonable price through the dedication and involvement of our teams. We want to help you do your job. Your input is essential as we work to provide a high level of service. We appreciate your time and responses. If you would like to speak with our help desk please call (951) 955-9900.

Thank you,

Jim Smith, Chief Information Officer

Question Title

* What was the purpose of your visit?

Question Title

* How well did RCIT address your concern or issue today?

Question Title

* Were you satisfied with the response?

Question Title

* Was the RCIT employee courteous and helpful?

Question Title

* How helpful or useful did you find this survey?

Question Title

* How would you rate your overall experience?

Question Title

* Would you like to nominate an RCIT employee for a monthly Customer Service Award? List name and a brief explanation.

Question Title

* Is there anything you want to ask or suggest?