Please vote in as many or as few award categories as you'd like.

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* 1. What is your email address?

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* 2. First Nations Leadership and Engagement Award - This award recognises individuals who identify as LGBTIQ+ and members of the First Nations community who have engaged in advocacy or activism for LGBTIQ+ causes.

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* 3. Activist of the Year - This award recognises individuals who have engaged in advocacy or activism for LGBTIQ+ causes.

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* 4. Ally of the Year - This award Recognises individuals who do not identify as LGBTIQ+ that have engaged in advocacy or activism for LGBTIQ+ causes and/or have shown exceptional support for the community.

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* 5. Young Achievement Award - This award recognises individuals aged 25 years and under who have made a significant contribution to the LGBTIQ+ community.

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* 6. Community Social Group - This award recognises groups who run, organise and/or host social events for the LGBTIQ+ community (excludes sporting or community support groups)

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* 7. Community Support Group - This awards recognises groups that provide support services to members of the LGBTIQ+ community (excludes sporting or social groups)

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* 8. Event of the Year - This award recognises events for the benefit of the LGBTIQ+ community held either once or at regular intervals throughout the year.

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* 9. Venue of the Year - This award recognises venues that provide a safe space and/or a space for the provision of goods and services to those who identify as LGBTIQ+

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* 10. DJ of the Year - This award recognises individuals who DJ regularly at LGBTIQ+ events and venues.

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* 11. Artist of the Year - This award recognises Individual artists who identify as LGBTIQ+, including (but not limited to) photographers, painters, poets, fiction writers.

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* 12. Drag Performer of the Year - This award recognises the contribution to the LGBTIQ+ community of individual drag performers, including Drag Queens and Drag Kings and Non-Binary drag performers.

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* 13. Volunteer of the Year - This award recognises individuals who have volunteered (without pay) their time, skills, and passion to LGBTIQ+ community organisations and/or causes.

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* 14. Community Sporting Group - This award recognises groups who run, organise and/or host sporting events for the LGBTIQ+ community (excludes social or community support groups)

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* 15. Performer of the Year - This award recognises individual performers who identify as LGBTIQ, including (but not limited to) musicians, dancers, comedians, and burlesque performers. (Not DJs or drag performers)