United Way of Southwest Michigan is working on a new strategic plan, and we need your input!  We want your thoughts on 6 simple questions.  And do you want to know the best part?  It will take you less than 5 minutes to answer them!  Will you help us out?

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* 1. How do you support the work of United Way of Southwest Michigan? Please check all that apply.

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* 2. What inspires you to support UWSM? Please check all that apply.

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* 3. Which issues do you care most about? Please choose your top three.

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* 4. Does UWSM make you feel appreciated for your support?

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* 5. Throughout the year, UWSM wants to tell you how your support is making a difference in the community. What is the best way to communicate with you?

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* 6. What 1 or 2 words would you use to describe the kind of community you want to live in?

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* 7. Do you have any additional comments or feedback?