
Alpha Sigma Nu last surveyed its members in 2022. Advancing new organizational priorities, Alpha Sigma Nu seeks to better understand its membership and make informed decisions in serving its prospective and current members. Thank you for sharing your feedback and time, and your commitment in helping steer Alpha Sigma Nu’s future.

Please note that your responses will not be saved until you select "Submit" on the final page. The survey will close on April 1, 2025.

With whom may ASN share these responses?
Unless given permission, results will be shared at the aggregate level and will not contain any personally identifiable information. Generalized information will be shared with Alpha Sigma Nu’s Board of Directors, Chapter Advisers and other university staff/administrators, the membership, and other stakeholders.

Question Title

* Full name

Question Title

* School of induction

Question Title

* Maiden name or other name at induction (if applicable)

Question Title

* Email address

Question Title

* Phone number

17% of survey complete.